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Broken People...

Why do I write? It started out as a journal to my kids. I wanted to leave them something from me, something they would have for as long as they wanted, something to hold on to in case something happened to me. I write now because I pray that it may help someone out there in the world. I pray that God uses my writing in some way to help anther person be inspired to do great things. I want my writing to inspire a world that will.

In my younger years I never wanted to be remembered, I didn’t ever think about how people would remember me. That was before I took a good hard look on the inside to see what a man I’d really become. I realized then that we will all be remembered for a while after we are gone. It sent chills up my spine when I thought about what people would remember about me. I’m not sure I made a positive impact on the world.

My son leaving for college I think was the thing that made me take the first step in my journey toward God. Like many people I was just a wanderer, not quite sure where I was going or what I wanted to do. I never had a plan or a set of goals. I’m not sure who sold me on that plan but I bought it. Are you on that road too?

Maybe God has someone in mind that I could help. Another guy out there going through some of the same things I went through; a divorce, or a separation. Someone I could understand and relate to.

Picture this…. You’re driving down the road at night and you forget your brights are on. Someone in the other lane flashes their brights so you will realize it and turn them down. I’ve been in that situation many times. I was on my way to work one morning and it dawned on me that to many people who don’t believe or are struggling with their faith, that is what Christians are like. Many Christians approach that person that is in such a dark world with their light shining bright. The person they are trying to show the power of God to can’t see it because the light is just too bright. Those people show up like they don’t have any problems because God solved them. They don’t bring the real person with them. The christian may be afraid that if they let the person see them for who they really are, they would have nothing to offer. They often don’t realize that the more broken they are, the more of that baggage they bring with them. The more they put in front of that light, the more clearly the person they are trying to talk to about God will be able to see.

That’s why God uses broken people to carry his message. People all across the world can relate.