Everyone has people who have made a difference in their lives. The people who helped them overcome uncertainty or pain in their life. The list of people here are those special few who are near and dear to my heart. Those that have had a tremendous positive impact on my life. My gratitude could never be shown properly for what they have done and continue to do to make my life so amazing.

My wonderful family!

My wonderful family!

My Family

Through thick and thin, all the trials and tribulations of life, my family has always been there for me. With open hearts they continue to support me and encourage me every day. It is my hope that what I do with the rest of my life will encourage them, that their love continues to grow through all the lives I am able to touch.

My fantastic kids!

My fantastic kids!

My children

The truest measure of a man is what he leaves, in his world, in his family, and in his children.

My children are strong, courageous, and resilient. They have resolved to be who they are. They have the guts to do it and the gifts to show it. One day they will lead the world and I could not ask for better people to follow. I saw the strength in them I never had and have taken that courage to heart. I’ve learned from them more than they have ever learned from me.

My beautiful wife!

My beautiful wife!

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My wife my best friend

God gave me so much when he graced me with this woman. She has shown me love for what it truly is. Loving me for who I am, all my faults, all my gifts, and all my idiosyncrasies. God showed me how to love through our relationship. Our love for each other continues to grow every day. I couldn’t ask for a better woman to spend the rest of my life with, and the hereafter on our porch swing.

May I always show you how much I love you and the beauty you bring to the world.

Carroll Moon

Many people I’m sure knew Carroll. I didn’t know him well. Only a few interactions we had but he left something so wonderful to me. He left his encouragement. I think it may have come natural to him. Some people just have that gift to teach, to coach, to be a father, to be a husband. Many students of his may be able to say the same thing.

I can’t know now why he said it, why he reached out to me. Maybe he saw something in me that I couldn’t see in myself at the time. Whatever the reason, I never realized just what he did for me until he was gone. He will never really be gone for his soul lives on in all of us that knew him.

Authors and Speakers that I have studied.

I couldn’t possibly put into words everything these few men have taught me. I have read their books, listened to their teachings, laughed at their jokes, and gained an incredible amount of wisdom from all of them. They are on some level all men of faith and shared it with the men and woman who came to see them, or read their words. All of them continue to inspire me each and every time I pick up a book or listen to their tapes.

Thank you from one man, brother in Christ, and faithful servant to another.

John Maxwell

Les Brown

Marcus Aurelius

Napoleon Hill

Norman Vincent Peale

Og Mandino

Stephen Covey

Zig Ziglar

Jim Rohn