The Compass...

In today’s social climate, many people look with disfavor on the word discipline because they simply do not understand that discipline means “to instruct or educate, to inform the mind, to prepare by instructing in correct principles and habits.” “Today many people want to be free to do as they please, but consider this: If you take the train off the tracks, it’s free — but it can’t go anywhere. Take the steering wheel out of the automobile, and it’s under the control of no one, but it is useless. The reality is that until the sailor disciplines himself to be obedient to the compass, he will have to stay within sight of shore. However, once he is obedient to that compass, he can go anywhere in the world the sailboat will take him. Yes, discipline is the missing ingredient that will make the difference in your life. Discipline yourself today so you can have a better life tomorrow.”

~ Zig Ziglar

I have been a fan of Zig’s for quite a few years now. I’ve listened to his tapes and audio recordings and read some of his books. He has so much practical knowledge and motivates me every time I listen. Zig was also a man of faith who showed it in his actions. The story of discipline and the compass really struck me when I first heard it. I was lost for so long stepping away from my faith and thinking I didn’t need guidance. I could do things my own way. When I heard the story it finally dawned on me how wrong I had been. I’ve come to realize a few things related to this story. One… we are the captain of our own ship. We control our lives and the way they turn out. It is not what happens to us, it is how we respond that makes all the difference. Two… we must have a direction in our lives. We must have a destination in what we want to achieve in life and things we want to accomplish to have a sense of purpose. The goals and dreams that I have for my life are different than yours, if you have goals and dreams. I didn’t for the first 36 years of my life. No real life changing ones anyway. Finally…we need a compass to help guide us to our goals and dreams. A way to gauge if we are headed in the right direction. For many years I lived my life without a compass. Just adrift on the sea of life with my engines running and no guidance system.

Let me ask you…would you rather go on a journey with a captain who knows the way, trusts the compass, and has confidence in his abilities to plot the course, or a captain who always has to stay close to the shore so he doesn’t get lost and risks running aground or shipwrecked on rocks? I think it is clear who would give you the greater journey.

When Jesus entered our world he showed us the path to follow. He plotted the course for us and had ultimate confidence in it. He was and is the greatest captain we could ever ask for. God has provided the compass. Every direction and all the guidance we would ever need to live our lives full and happy is in his word to us. In order for us to be free, we must learn to obey God’s direction. Only when we trust in his holy word will we be free of Satan and the pain he causes. We will be free to sail the sea of life away from the shore of worldly idols…money, power, and material things that make us run our lives into the rocks. God has given us the gift of life ever after through his son Jesus. He has given us the map to heaven in our lives with the words we find written to us by the men he chose. It is only with discipline and trust of the compass that a captain can navigate the waters safely to his destination. So it is with our lives… disciplining ourselves to read his word consistently and following his direction will bring us safely through the sea of life. We will not always have calm waters and smooth sailing…but we will always have the way, the truth, and the life.

I pray…

God bring your grace upon this world and heal our afflictions. Heal our hearts and strengthen our minds to discern the wickedness of men. Bring peace to our world and a thirst for your spirit in us. Let us rejoice in another day filled with your beauty and be grateful for all our gifts from you. May we never forget these days that brought us to you.

Father I pray this in Jesus name.
