What are you seeking?

For so long I’ve been a man seeking approval. It really didn’t matter who from. I was chasing after it or more so running from my past. I was seeking approval for the lack of it in my life. I know the moment that I started down that path. I remember it vividly. My world changed in that moment and for many years I put it out of my mind. I blocked it out because of the pain.

Life is either a series of adventures or a series of survivals. It’s up to you and how you think that determines it.

I believe it was Freud who said you either look at the world as mostly good or mostly evil. To me that question or rather the answer to that question shapes your whole outlook on life. Do you look at a thing and ask why, or do you look past it and ask why not, what can be?

Always look for the possibilities in life. They are all around you. All you need to do is look. From the dawn of time and man, great men have asked that question. Why not?

Plato asked “why not” educate the many, and started a university. Aristotle asked “why not” and helped shape philosophy forever.

Great philosophers, leaders, musicians, rulers, religious leaders, and remembered men have all looked at what could be and set out to do it. What great purpose does God have in store for you? Are you seeking it? Are you seeking Him?

God be with you. God’s peace wash over you. God’s grace set your mind free and God’s love enter your heart