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A Mother's Day...

Today is Mother’s Day and we share the love that our mothers shared with us. Our mothers are the first ones we know. They care and shelter us for many months before we even enter the world. Then they spend countless hours feeding, rocking, changing, loving us and all the other things that come with being a mom.

Today is special for many reasons. Each and every day we get to spend with our mothers is a great day. For some however, we can’t call them on the phone, or drive over for a visit. Some have lost that ability because their mother is gone from this world. The special thing about it is we still hold them in our hearts. We remember the good times we had with them. We remember the laughs we shared, the talks we had, and the love they gave. We remember our childhood and how it didn’t matter what happened throughout the day we had that time with them every morning and every night.

I’m still one of the lucky ones to have my mother today. I guess God knew I would need a lot of help... He was right. I was able to give her a gift today and see the look on her face. I could see the tears welling up when I told her that I was dedicating a book to her. I’ve asked her to help me come up with questions that a mom would want people to know. The questions she doesn’t get asked but are always on her mind. This book won’t just be about my mother but all the different mothers I’ve known and have a personal relationship with. Aunts, grandmothers, sisters, in-laws, wives, and friends. Then use these questions to really get to know the world from their perspective.

I’m excited for the possibilities I have to get to know all the moms in my life. The ones that have been the closest and the ones I didn’t know very well. I’m excited to try and see the world from their perspective. I’m also excited to learn all about the moms in their lives. I’m also excited to get to know all the children and grandchildren of the moms. I’m excited to get to know the women who have helped shape me, believed in me, and loved me.

To all the moms out there, past, present, and future. I say Happy Mother’s Day. To the very best one of them all (My Mother). I say I love you. Happy Mothers Day mom.