A new beginning...

July 10, 2016 was a night I will never forget. It was the night I gave my life to God. I was outside my house wondering around the yard talking to God and asking him for help. I was a wreck of a man in that moment. My life was in shambles. My family was falling apart and it was due to my own selfish ways.

In that moment I was looking up at the moon asking for Gods grace and mercy to fill my life. I asked him to help me be a better father, a better friend, a better man. I didn’t feel worthy of any of it but those who do not ask never receive. I was seeking God for the first time in a long time and for maybe the first time, really speaking with him.

As I turned to walk back inside my home, something stopped me; something inside me made me pause to receive the answer God provided. In that moment beneath the moon shining down on me, God said to me “Everything is going to be okay”, and I knew that it was. I knew it without a doubt and I cried out in thanks.

I have been walking with the Lord ever since that moment. But I know without a doubt he has always been walking with me. I had never given him the power to work in my life until that night.

This Blog will paint pictures of my life. Some bad and some good. I know that many other people share my story on some level. They have either let God in or are in the same situation I was for years. My prayer is for those who have not let God in come here to find out how and to find answers. For those of you who have let God work in your life, I pray that you share your stories as well.

Let us be salt and light in the world. With love of Jesus in our hearts and the wisdom of God in our minds.